Fakulta zahradnická / Faculty of Horticulture: Poslední příspěvky
Zobrazují se záznamy 1-20 z 54
Zakládání mladé výsadby dle metody Simonit & Sirch
(2024)Správná praxe zakládání vinic hraje pro budoucnost vinohradnictví významnou roli. Správně založená struktura dřeva je schopna lépe odolávat extrémním změnám a především produkovat stabilní výnos. K lepšímu porozumění ... -
Možnosti transformace pěstitelských tvarů a řezu révy vinné podle metody Simonit & Sirch
(2024)Metodika popisuje morfologii a fyziologii révy, včetně důležitých, ale méně známých pojmů, které pomáhají vinařům lépe porozumět struktuře dřeva. Dále se věnuje teorii precizního řezu podle metody Simonit & Sirch, přičemž ... -
Effect of fining agents on the chemical composition and sensory properties of apple cider
(Springer Heidelberg, 2024)This study focuses on analyzing the impact of various fining agents on apple cider and evaluating their effects on its physical-chemical and sensory properties. Despite its common cloudy state, some consumers prefer clear ... -
Synergistic effect of selected carboxylic acids and phenolic compounds detected by the FRAP method
(Elsevier Science BV, 2024)Antioxidants in nutrition are a widely discussed topic. In this study, a synergistic effect was observed for 13 selected substances - antioxidants and potential synergists, whereby two substances were mixed in the same ... -
Elimination of Curtobacterium sp. strain A7_M15, a contaminant in Prunus rootstock tissue culture production, using reduced graphene oxide-silver-copper and silver-selenium nanocomposites
(Springer International Publishing AG, 2024)Background: Bacterial contamination poses a high risk to the successful establishment and maintenance of plant tissue cultures. The aim of this study was to identify the isolates representing the frequent bacterial ... -
Management of bacterial blight of carrots by phenolic compounds treatment
(Public Library of Science, 2024)Bacterial blight is a serious disease of carrot production worldwide. Under favorable conditions, the causal organism Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae causes serious loss especially in seed production because of its ... -
Enriching absinthe bitters with stilbenes and lignans from waste plant materials
(Elsevier Science BV, 2024)The study aimed to enrich absinthe bitters with stilbenes and lignans from waste plant materials, specifically Vitis vinifera and Picea abies. These bioactive compounds, analysed by liquid chromatography and gas chromatography, ... -
Energy Potential of Urban Green Waste and the Possibility of Its Pelletization
(MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2023)Due to ongoing changes in the European energy market, there is currently a need to find new and additional uses for waste materials. Horticultural waste, which has not yet been fully recognized, offers a relatively wide ... -
Effect of exogenous essential oil treatments on the storage behaviour of apricot fruit harvested at different altitudes
(Polish Society for Horticultural Science, 2023)Due to the short shelf life of fresh apricots, special postharvest preservation techniques and practices are necessary to avoid significant economic losses. The purpose of the current study is to bring to light an approach ... -
Molecular Characterization of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum' in the Czech Republic and Susceptibility of Apricot Rootstocks to the Two Most Abundant Haplotypes
(MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2024)'Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum' is one of the most destructive pathogens of Prunus species, where susceptible species render unproductive several years after infection. In epidemiology, the molecular characterization of ... -
Hranický kras – analytická mapa
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2024)Soubor map s odborným obsahem se věnuje Hranickému krasu - hydrotermálnímu krasu nacházejícímu se na výběžku karbonátových hornin devonského a paleozoického stáří u města Hranice v České republice. Cílem analytických map ... -
Hranicky kras - návrhová mapa
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2024)Soubor map s odborným obsahem - návrhová mapa obsahuje návrh multifunkčních opatření pro oblast Hranického krasu - hydrotermálnímu krasu nacházejícímu se na výběžku karbonátových hornin devonského a paleozoického stáří u ... -
Evaluation of the Thermal Energy Potential of Waste Products from Fruit Preparation and Processing Industry
(MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2024)In the context of a changing climate and increasing efforts to use renewable energy sources and waste materials and to green the environment, new sources and technologies for energy recovery from waste are being sought. ... -
Influence of Rheum taxa and harvesting date on the content of L-ascorbic acid and oxalic acid in the climatic conditions of South Moravia (Czech Republic)
(Polish Society for Horticultural Science, 2023)Rhubarb (Rheum L.) is a well-known medicinal and culinary plant. Apart from its rich nutritional value, rhubarb contains a higher concentration of oxalates. In this study, the content of L-ascorbic acid (AA) and oxalic ... -
Differentiation of Medicinal Plants According to Solvents, Processing, Origin, and Season by Means of Multivariate Analysis of Spectroscopic and Liquid Chromatography Data
(MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2023)Effects of processing and extraction solvents on antioxidant properties and other characteristics were evaluated for ten medicinal plant species originating from two different localities and two production years. A combination ... -
Metodika pěstování asijských hrušní a slivoní
(2023)V období, kdy je pěstování ovoce limitováno klimatickými změnami, kdy proto dochází k poklesu produkčních ploch a také pro vlastní nestabilní rentabilitu a náklady spojené s pěstováním, je důležité najít nové možnosti pro ... -
The Effect of Mulch Materials on Selected Soil Properties, Yield and Grape Quality in Vineyards under Central European Conditions
(MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2022)The results of this study provide overall information on the verification of the effect of applying two different mulching materials of an organic origin to the soil surface in the area between rows of grape vines in ... -
Meteorological activities of J. G: Mendel as part of a tour of the Augustinian Abbey
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2023)Gregor Johann Mendel is known worldwide for establishing the genetic laws. What is less well known is that during his life he devoted far more time to meteorology. He started as an assistant to Dr. Olexíka, who performed ... -
Methodological options for evaluating of the landscape recreational potential
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2023)The proposed methodology for evaluating of the landscape potential for recreation is grounded on the basic values of the territory, which make the area more attractive for visit in leisure time. For the purposes of the ... -
Metoda monitoringu účinnosti ochrany proti padlí révy bezpilotními prostředky
(2022)Metodika prezentuje postupy bezpilotního monitorování vinice s cílem získat přehled o plochách s napadením padlí révy a také s účinnou ochranou proti padlí révy. Metoda je založená na hodnocení růstových poměrů vinice ...