Browsing Článek v periodiku / Article by Author "Fialová, Jitka"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Analysis of Socioeconomic Impacts of the FSC and PEFC Certification Systems on Business Entities and Consumers
Michal, Jakub; Březina, David; Šafařík, Dalibor; Kupčák, Václav; Sujová, Andrea; Fialová, Jitka (MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2019)The article discusses the issues of effectiveness of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) certification systems in relation to enterprises and the level to ... -
The Ecological Potential of Poplars (Populus L.) for City Tree Planting and Management: A Preliminary Study of Central Poland (Warsaw) and Silesia (Chorzów)
Łukaszkiewicz, Jan; Długoński, Andrzej; Fortuna-Antoszkiewicz, Beata; Fialová, Jitka (MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2024)Urban environments face escalating challenges due to uncontrolled urbanization, rapid population growth, and climate changes, prompting the exploration of sustainable solutions for enhancing urban green spaces (UGSs). For ... -
How Did COVID-19 Pandemic Stress Affect Poles' Views on the Role of the Forest?
Janeczko, Emilia; Banaś, Jan; Woźnicka, Małgorzata; Janeczko, Krzysztof; Utnik-Banaś, Katarzyna; Zięba, Stanisław; Fialová, Jitka (MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2024)The 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the daily lives of everyone, including local communities and entire societies. Under the influence of this new experience, the importance of the services and ... -
Urban Forest Recreation and Its Possible Role throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bamwesigye, Dastan; Fialová, Jitka; Kupec, Petr; Yeboah, Evans; Łukaszkiewicz, Jan; Fortuna-Antoszkiewicz, Beata; Botwina, Jakub (MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2023)Urban forests provide benefits in terms of the environment and society. Many people living in urban areas could profit from the recreational services provided by urban forests to alleviate the physical and psychological ... -
Urban Parks Hydrological Regime in the Context of Climate Change-A Case Study of Štěpánka Forest Park (Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic)
Kupec, Petr; Marková, Jana; Pelikán, Petr; Brychtová, Martina; Autratová, Sabina; Fialová, Jitka (MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2022)The paper presents the results of a case study that was prepared as a basis for decision-making processes in the context of the impacts of global climate change. The article is focused on a very important part of the urban ... -
Willingness to Pay for Forest Existence Value and Sustainability
Bamwesigye, Dastan; Hlaváčková, Petra; Sujová, Andrea; Fialová, Jitka; Kupec, Petr (MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2020)Uganda is richly endowed with flora and fauna. Until the early 2000s, most of the types of vegetation have remained natural/virgin forests and shrubs until recent years, when human activities have damaged them. Understanding ...