Now showing items 1-10 of 41
Plantas maestras amazónicas en modo contención como vehículo de acompañamiento en los procesos terapéuticosAmazonian Master Plants in Containment Mode as Accompanying Vehicle in Therapeutic Processes
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2021)
En este capítulo se describen los efectos de las denominadas "plantas maestras" en "modo contención" utilizadas en los protocolos de intervención terapéutica de Centro Takiwasi. Se trata de una forma de preparación y ...
Metodika vymezování klimatických regionů v rámci systému bonitovaných půdně ekologických jednotekMethodology of climate regions defining within the Estimated pedological ecological unit system Methodology of climate regions defining within the Estimated pedological ecological unit system
Náplní metodiky je inovované exaktní definování postupu vymezení klimatické rajonizace používané v rámci hodnocení produkčního potenciálu zemědělské půdy v ČR. Po vymezení konsekvencí termínu "produkční potenciál" a uvedení ...
Experiencias de dieta terapéutica a base de plantas medicinales amazónicas en el Centro Takiwasi en PerúExperiences of Therapeutic Diet Based on Amazonian Medicinal Plants at the Takiwasi Center in Peru
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2021)
Este capítulo se centra en las experiencias de dieta terapéutica a base de plantas medicinales amazónicas en Takiwasi, Centro de Rehabilitación de Toxicómanos y de Investigación de Medicinas Tradicionales, Perú. La dieta ...
El uso de la wayusa y sus beneficios para la saludThe Use of Wayusa and Its Health Benefits
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2021)
Este texto desarrolla los capítulos dedicados a la bebida de la planta wayusa (Ilex guayusa) en las partes anteriores del libro Amazonía unida, que se centraron en sus características bioquímicas y las especificidades ...
Organic Food Needs More Land and Direct Energy to Be Produced Compared to Food from Conventional Farming: Empirical Evidence from the Czech Republic
(MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2021)
This study investigated direct energy consumption and land performance under two different methods of farming-organic and conventional. The aim of our study was to examine the performance of farmers in the Czech Republic ...
Socioeconomic Impact of Mining in the Atiwa Forest Reserve of Ghana on Fringe Communities and the Achievement of SDGs: Analysis from the Residents' Perspective
(MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2021)
The Atiwa forest reserve of Ghana sits upon roughly 150 million tons of bauxite. The Government has decided to mine and use the proceeds for national infrastructure development programs. This article examines the impact ...
Research of Growth Dynamics of Selected Deciduous Trees for the Needs of Landscape Architecture
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2021)
The main target of the research was to compare the growth dynamics of woody plants in relation to their age, specifically in individuals up to 10 years after planting. Five fast-growing species (Fraxinus excelsior, Populus ...
The effect of duroc and pietrain boars on growth ability of piglets
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2021)
The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of Duroc, Pietrain and Duroc x Pietrain terminal boars on individual live weight of piglets and average daily gain of piglets from birth to weaning. The effect of sex ...
The Mechanisms and Management of Age-Related Oxidative Stress in Male Hypogonadism Associated with Non-communicable Chronic Disease
(MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2021)
Androgens have diverse functions in muscle physiology, lean body mass, the regulation of adipose tissue, bone density, neurocognitive regulation, and spermatogenesis, the male repro- ductive and sexual function. Male ...
Chicken Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Applications: A Mini Review
(MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2021)
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent progenitor cells that adhere to plastic; express the specific markers CD29, CD44, CD73, CD90, and CD105; and produce cytokines and growth factors supporting and regulating ...