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The Role of Biochar Co-Pyrolyzed with Sawdust and Zeolite on Soil Microbiological and Physicochemical Attributes, Crop Agronomic, and Ecophysiological Performance
(Springer Switzerland, 2023)The overuse of synthetic fertilizers has been associated with negative environmental consequences. The use of biochar in this regard has been recommended as a win-win strategy. However, our understanding on the comparative ... -
Ranking of European Universities by DEA-Based Sustainability Indicator
(Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2023)The paper introduces a novel approach to university rankings that considers a university's contribution to sustainable development. It addresses the usual controversies surrounding the construction of rankings using composite ... -
The typology of countryside architectonical forms in South-Moravia, a region of Czechia
(Nakladatelství Karolinum, 2023)This article focuses on the typology of countryside architectonical forms in the region of South-Moravia in southeastern Czechia and on the expression of village identity through architecture in case study villages. Original ... -
Prostorová závislost bazické saturace na zrnitostním a chemickém složení lesních půd v individuálním nebo typologickém členění
(Česká geografická společnost, 2023)Půdní bazická saturace (BS) je fyzikálně-chemickou vlastností využívanou při klasifikaci suchozemských ekosystémů. V této studii jsme se zaměřili na porovnání půdní BS a prostorově souvisejících fyzikálních a chemických ... -
Links Between Farm Size, Location and Productivity of Farms in the Czech Republic
(De Gruyter Open Ltd., 2023)This paper aims to examine the productivity of Czech farms with dependence on their size and natural conditions. The methodological approach is based on the analysis of variance (ANOVA), which enables to assess whether ...