Fakulta regionálního rozvoje a mezinárodních studií / Faculty of Regional Development and International studies: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 56
Exploring cross-cultural variations in visual attention patterns inside and outside national borders using immersive virtual reality
(Nature Publishing Group, 2023)We examined theories of cross-cultural differences in cognitive style on a sample of 242 participants representing five cultural groups (Czechia, Ghana, eastern and western Turkey, and Taiwan). The experiment involved ... -
Moravský kras pod mikroskopem: kritický katalolg výstavy
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2024)Přírodovědný výzkum Moravského krasu zahrnuje mnoho oborů, kterými jsou geologie, zoologie a botanika, ekologie a další. V posledních 10 letech byla pozornost zaměřena na mikrobiologické a především bakteriologické studium ... -
¿Es detectable empíricamente la protección normativa del territorio? Análisis de las tendencias de temperatura y vegetación del área norte de Bogotá con sensores remotos
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2024)Este trabajo presenta un análisis de las tendencias de desarrollo urbano del sector norte de Bogotá, en un área de 6930 hectáreas que incluye el Plan de Ordenamiento Zonal del Norte (POZN) y parte de la reserva natural ... -
River Sediments Downstream of Villages in a Karstic Watershed Exhibited Increased Numbers and Higher Diversity of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
(Springer New York, 2024)The impact of residential villages on the nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in streams flowing through them has not been studied in detail. Water and sediments of streams are highly susceptible to anthropogenic inputs such ... -
Searching for the DNA of urbanisation. A material perspective
(Elsevier Science Ltd., 2024)Broadly accepted categorical differentiations of urbanisation understand cities as well-defined objects containing urban spaces in contrast to their hinterlands. However, urbanisation's multidimensional complexity challenges ... -
Militantní demokracie: firewall jako omezení základních občanských svobod?
(Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, 2024)Článek se zaměřuje na představení konceptu militantní demokracie, který je v českém akademickém prostředí diskutován již několik let. Praktiky militantní demokracie lze vnímat jako určitý "firewall" proti oslabování ... -
A representative dataset on Czech and Slovak pre-Russia-Ukraine-war attitudes to the West and to the Russian Federation
(Elsevier Science BV, 2024)This article presents a comprehensive dataset and its associated data collection methodology aimed at understanding public opinion and attitudes across diverse socio-political dimensions in Czechia and Slovakia. The dataset ... -
A constant market share analysis of the competitiveness of the Czech Republic's agrifood exports (2002-2020) to the European Union
(Česká akademie zemědělských věd, 2023)We conducted a quantitative ex post analysis of the competitiveness of the Czech Republic's agrifood exports to other European Union (EU) Member States between 2002 and 2020, using the constant market share (CMS) methodology. ... -
Links Between Farm Size, Location and Productivity of Farms in the Czech Republic
(De Gruyter Open Ltd., 2023)This paper aims to examine the productivity of Czech farms with dependence on their size and natural conditions. The methodological approach is based on the analysis of variance (ANOVA), which enables to assess whether ... -
The Success of the Development of the Structurally Affected City of Karviná
(Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, 2023)The aim of this paper is to propose measures leading to overcoming the limits of development of the city of Karviná. Based on the results of the situational analysis supplemented by a questionnaire survey, it can be said ... -
Creative Economy: Support of Creative Hubs by the Public Sector in the Urban Environment
(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2023)Creative hubs are institutional organization of newly emerging creative industries. Economic activities associated with creative industries are very often business-oriented and strongly independent. However, there are often ... -
Economic and Financial Condition of Farms in Poland and Czechia During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute, 2024)The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the functioning of the entire economy. However, the strength of the impact was not uniform across sectors, with some affected more severely and others only slightly. Due to its importance, ... -
Cultural ecosystem services of the traditional South Bohemian landscape on the example of LAG Třeboňsko
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2024)The article focuses on the identification and evaluation of cultural ecosystem services within the territory of the Local Action Group (LAG) Třeboňsko. The practical implementation of ecosystem services into decision-making ... -
Udržitelnost a efektivnost jako klíč k soběstačnosti v produkci cukru a cukrové řepy v České republice
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2023)Příspěvek zkoumá vývoj produkce cukrové řepy s následnou výrobou cukru a hodnotí rozhodující faktory, které jsou nezbytné pro zachování této produkce nejen s ohledem na zabezpečení soběstačnosti ve výrobě jedné ze základních ... -
Krize, konflikt a nejistota: konceptualizace pojmů
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2023)Tento příspěvek se zaměřuje na konceptualizaci tří pojmů: krize, konflikt a nejistota. Cílem je přispět k lepšímu porozumění těmto jevům a vytvořit teoretický rámec pro jejich studium a analýzu. V úvodu jsou definovány ... -
The educator's role in the autonomy journey for adult students with mental disorders
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2023)The vision of people with mental disorders has a historical and social nature. In the last decades, important steps have been taken toward guaranteeing dignity for these vulnerable people across the globe. This paper focuses ... -
The links between freedom and the internet in Southeast Asia: a democratic coup or status quo time?
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2023)The last two decades have witnessed a striking increase in the number of Internet users as well as new mechanisms of Internet controls have been introduced in many regimes. The objective of this analysis is to appraise how ... -
Boca Abajo
(Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2023)Los psicodélicos son un notable grupo de sustancias que afectan a la imaginación y creatividad humana. Este libro contiene un relato inspirado en sus efectos. El relato es bilingüe, en español-checo, y va acompañado de ... -
Multi-perspective quality of life index for urban development analysis, example of the city of Brno, Czech Republic
(Elsevier Science Ltd., 2023)Urban system present dynamic systems, where many interactions take place and revealing deeper spatial relations of the urban system and the quality of life is a necessary part of decision-making process in sustainable urban ... -
Dual Infection of an Open Fracture Caused by Mycobacterium setense and Clostridium celerecrescens
(MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2022)Infections caused by Mycobacterium setense or Clostridium celerecrescens are extremely rare. In this report, for the first time a dual infection with these two pathogens is described. An 18-year-old female suffered multiple ...