Browsing by Author "Kopec, Tomáš"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Alternative sources of proteins in farm animal feeding
Khan, Noor Muhammad; Qadeer, Abdul; Khan, Aamir; Nasir, Amar; Sikandar, Arbab; Adil, Muhammad; Horký, Pavel; Nevrkla, Pavel; Sláma, Petr; Weisbauerova, Eva; Kopec, Tomáš (Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, 2024)The global demand for protein is on the rise owing to the exponential increase in the world population and to meet the global protein requirements, it is imperative to seek alternative sources of proteins in farm animal ... -
The efficiency of different types of extenders for semen cooling in stallions
Rečková, Zuzana; Filipčík, Radek; Soušková, Katarína; Kopec, Tomáš; Hošek, Martin; Pešan, Vojtěch (Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, 2022)Objective: This study was conducted to examine influence of skimmed milk-based extender (SM), INRA 96 extender and BotuSemen Gold extender on parameters of stallions' ejaculate during storage. Methods: In this study, 14 ... -
Environmental Factors and Genetic Parameters of Beef Traits in Fleckvieh Cattle Using Field and Station Testing
Filipčík, Radek; Falta, Daniel; Kopec, Tomáš; Chládek, Gustav; Večeřa, Milan; Rečková, Zuzana (MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute-MDPI), 2020)The goal of this study was to analyze the genetic and environmental factors of selected meat yield indicators in Fleckvieh cattle in the Czech Republic, through the application of station (S) and field (F) testing methods. ... -
Evaluation of semen parameters from Fleckvieh-Simmental bulls and the influence of age and season of collection
Filipčík, Radek; Rečková, Zuzana; Pešan, Vojtěch; Konoval, Oleksandra; Kopec, Tomáš (Archiv für Tierzucht, 2023)The aim of this paper was to evaluate semen parameters from Czech Fleckvieh (dual-purpose breed) bulls used in artificial insemination in the Fleckvieh population. The ejaculate was collected from bulls only once a week, ... -
Growth, carcass and meat quality in Zwartbles lambs slaughtered at different live weights
Janoš, Tomáš; Kuchtík, Jan; Dračková, Eliška; Hošek, Martin; Kopec, Tomáš; Filipčík, Radek (Česká akademie zemědělských věd, 2023)The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of different live weights at slaughter (LWS) of Zwartbles lambs on their daily gain (DG), carcass traits (CT) and chemical and physical characteristics of the quadriceps ... -
In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Phosphate-Based Zinc Nanoparticles
Baholet, Daria; Skaličková, Sylvie; Kopec, Tomáš; Horký, Pavel (Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2022)In recent years, zinc nanoparticles have captivated an attention due to their antimicrobial properties. Moreover, the advantage of nanomaterials is an ability to modify their chemical composition and influence their ... -
The interaction between the milk production, milk components with a low frequency of analysis and factors affecting the milk composition in dual-purpose Simmental cows
Falta, Daniel; Zapletalová, Lenka; Hanuš, Oto; Kučera, Josef; Večeřa, Milan; Chládek, Gustav; Filipčík, Radek; Kopec, Tomáš; Lategan, Francois Stefanus (Česká akademie zemědělských věd, 2023)The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of the contribution of components typically found in milk, but which are not often included in analyses, to the nutritional status of dairy cows. This was undertaken ... -
Is a new generation of mycotoxin clay adsorbents safe in a pig's diet?
Horký, Pavel; Nevrkla, Pavel; Kopec, Tomáš; Bano, Iqra; Skoric, Misa; Skládanka, Jiří; Skaličková, Sylvie (BioMed Central Ltd., 2022)Background: Bentonites, as a clay mineral, serve in pig farms as adsorbents of toxic substances. They are mainly used to reduce the negative impact of mycotoxins to maintain the performance and health status of animals. ... -
Monitoring of taurine dietary supplementation effect on parameters of Duroc boar ejaculate in summer season
Přibilová, Magdalena; Skaličková, Sylvie; Urbánková, Lenka; Baholet, Daria; Nevrkla, Pavel; Kopec, Tomáš; Sláma, Petr; Horký, Pavel (Public Library of Science, 2024)The aim of this experiment was to find out whether the taurine supplementation in daily ration had an effect on quantity or quality of Duroc boar ejaculate. The experiment duration was from June to August, when it could ...