Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Alternative sources of proteins in farm animal feeding 

      Khan, Noor Muhammad; Qadeer, Abdul; Khan, Aamir; Nasir, Amar; Sikandar, Arbab; Adil, Muhammad; Horký, Pavel; Nevrkla, Pavel; Sláma, Petr; Weisbauerova, Eva; Kopec, Tomáš (Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, 2024)
      The global demand for protein is on the rise owing to the exponential increase in the world population and to meet the global protein requirements, it is imperative to seek alternative sources of proteins in farm animal ...
    • Use of nanotechnology-based nanomaterial as a substitute for antibiotics in monogastric animals 

      Qadeer, Abdul; Khan, Aamir; Khan, Noor Muhammad; Wajid, Abdul; Ullah, Kaleem; Skaličková, Sylvie; Chilala, Pompido; Sláma, Petr; Horký, Pavel; Alqahtani, Mohammed S.; Alreshidi, Maha Awjan (Elsevier Science Ltd., 2024)
      Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising solution for tackling antibiotic resistance in monogastric animals, providing innovative methods to enhance animal health and well-being. This review explores the novel use of ...