Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Determination of optimal insemination time in sheep by assessing cervical mucus arborization 

      Pešan, Vojtěch; Hošek, Martin; Filipčík, Radek; Soušková, Katarína; Pešanová Tesařová, Martina (Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2021)
      Insemination and estrus synchronization are one of the most used biotechnological reproductive methods used in sheep breeding, but also in most other livestock species. Subsequent insemination values are influenced by ...
    • The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Conception and Milk Performance in Breeding Holstein Cows 

      Klementová, Kristýna; Filipčík, Radek; Hošek, Martin (Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2017)
      The aim of this study was to identify the effect of ambient temperature and season of the year on conception difficulties in Holstein cattle. The experiment was conducted on the School farm in Žabčice. Data were collected ...
    • The efficiency of different types of extenders for semen cooling in stallions 

      Rečková, Zuzana; Filipčík, Radek; Soušková, Katarína; Kopec, Tomáš; Hošek, Martin; Pešan, Vojtěch (Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, 2022)
      Objective: This study was conducted to examine influence of skimmed milk-based extender (SM), INRA 96 extender and BotuSemen Gold extender on parameters of stallions' ejaculate during storage. Methods: In this study, 14 ...
    • Evaluation of growth intensity in suffolk and charollais sheep 

      Janoš, Tomáš; Filipčík, Radek; Hošek, Martin (Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2018)
      The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of breed (Suffolk, Charollais), sex (ram, ewes) and litter size (singles, twins, triplets) on the growth ability of lambs from birth to 300 days of age. Insignificantly ...
    • Evaluation of the effect of breed and line on slaughter value and quality of lamb meat 

      Janoš, Tomáš; Filipčík, Radek; Hošek, Martin; Dračková, Eliška; Kamanová, Vendula (Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2019)
      The aim of our experiment was to evaluate to what degree carcass value and quality of lamb meat are effected by selected breeds (Zwartbles, Suffolk, Romney Marsh) and lines (Zbyšek, Ztepl, Záblesk, Ewebank Armani, President, ...
    • Growth, carcass and meat quality in Zwartbles lambs slaughtered at different live weights 

      Janoš, Tomáš; Kuchtík, Jan; Dračková, Eliška; Hošek, Martin; Kopec, Tomáš; Filipčík, Radek (Česká akademie zemědělských věd, 2023)
      The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of different live weights at slaughter (LWS) of Zwartbles lambs on their daily gain (DG), carcass traits (CT) and chemical and physical characteristics of the quadriceps ...
    • Reproductive characteristics of wild boar males (Sus scrofa) under different environmental conditions 

      Drimaj, Jakub; Kamler, Jiří; Hošek, Martin; Zeman, Jaroslav; Plhal, Radim; Mikulka, Ondřej; Kudláček, Tomáš (Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno, 2019)
      The wild boar population has been on a permanent increase over the last decades, causing conflicts with the requirements of modern human society. Existing effort to stabilize wild boar numbers generally fails with one of ...